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Homepage » Advisor » magazine » Graffiti protection for the facade

Graffiti protection with liquid glass

This video should be particularly interesting for cities and municipalities or for damaged property owners who have already had experience with contamination from graffiti sprayers. The colors of the “artists” are persistent and penetrate the concrete or stone when sprayed. As a result, it is a very costly and time-consuming matter to have the graffiti removed, which usually has to be done professionally.

The video shows the comparison with two concrete bricks:

One stone is completely sealed with liquid glass , the other is not. Now, as a counterpart to the color spray, a cross is painted on the respective stone with a marker pen. Here, too, you can see immediately – in the case of the untreated stone, the black color is drawn in immediately, the cross is clearly visible. When the stone is sealed, the color cannot penetrate the liquid glass, which means that there is no adhesion. The cross is therefore only faintly visible and can only be removed with water without leaving any residue. You try in vain to do this with the untreated brick in the video.

It is the same with other colors – because they cannot penetrate the surface of materials coated with liquid glass, it is easy to remove them and thus protect walls, house facades or the like for up to 20 years.

In the video you can see how easily the concrete can be sealed: an even application with a brush is sufficient.
