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Water-based car paint sealing with liquid glass

This video shows very clearly how easily and quickly sealing a car works.

Here, too, the primary focus is on pre-cleaning the surface. The be-all and end-all of any seal, because on the one hand no dirt should be trapped by the liquid glass, and on the other hand there is a risk that the surface coating cannot cross-link, since most dirt particles and grease residues are thicker than the liquid glass sealant even.

Proper preparation

Biosativa cleaner is used here, which thoroughly removes all dirt and grease from the car. It should be noted that the car is dirtier in certain areas than elsewhere and that one or the other repetition of the pre-cleaning may be necessary. The big advantage of the Biosativa cleaner is that the agent was produced completely organically and is completely biodegradable.

The liquid glass is then applied. You should be quick here, as it dries up quickly and otherwise more of it is needed. Normally, however, 50 ml is enough to seal a complete car. Paint , window pane , plastic cover – everything can be rubbed with the product with the help of a cloth .

The result

Then a bucket of water is poured over the sealed car in the video. The lotus effect is immediately visible – all of the water rolls off within a very short time. No drops, no edges of water remain.

The shelf life of the water-based car paint sealant is 2-3 months. Products are also offered that protect the paintwork for up to 12 months – the application is the same.

The service team is at your side!

Our team of experts can not only help you choose the right products, but also give you practical tips on how to use them. Do not hesitate to contact us if you need help or have any questions. We look forward to your inquiry!


All information in this article has been compiled with the utmost care and to the best of our knowledge and belief. We recommend that the application of the described sealants be carried out exclusively by specialist companies and using the appropriate protective clothing. It is also advisable to test the sealant on an inconspicuous area first to ensure that the result meets expectations and the surface is not damaged.